Networking opportunities at NMIMS
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NMIMS' online MBA program has made networking sessions and networking opportunities simpler than ever, whether you are just beginning as an entrepreneur, an executive in training, or seeking a career change. Let us show you how NMIMS networking sessions and networking opportunities can help from the convenience of your own home!

1. Take Advantage of Virtual Events

NMIMS Online programs organize virtual events regularly, such as webinars, panel discussions and guest lectures from industry leaders. Not only is there valuable online learning content at these virtual events; but there's often also time for networking opportunities afterwards! Ask questions or join discussions- there may even be time set aside specifically for that! There may also be virtual networking sessions where speakers or other participants may meet up!

2. Make intelligent use of online discussion forum

Discussion forums and networking sessions are provided for each course. These don't just serve to address academic concerns; you can share resources and industry news too! Be consistent and considerate when participating, and never underestimate the power of networking opportunities; who knows? Someone might come along who wants to work together or recognizes your skills!

3. Join online study groups

NMIMS students often form study groups of their own or join existing ones; these study groups can be highly effective learning environments that replicate campus collaborative environments while simultaneously helping build strong professional relationships and creating lifelong friendships by these networking sessions and gaining networking opportunities.

4. Engage In Social Media Dialog

NMIMS alumni can be found online using social media such as Facebook and LinkedIn, joining groups to participate in discussions or follow up after virtual networking sessions. Share your experience with fellow online MBA students while updating your profile with online MBA achievements or activities; make use of networking opportunities and connect among your fellow students; stay engaged!

5. Team Projects

Learning doesn't have to mean learning solo - NMIMS offers an online MBA with team projects designed not just for academic networking opportunities but also so students can form relationships and draw upon each other's experience. Take on projects when possible to highlight your leadership and organizational abilities through networking sessions.

6. Utilize Career Services

NMIMS career services go far beyond job placement services; our career services also cover networking sessions & strategies, resume workshops and networking opportunities to speak directly with professionals from your industry. Utilize all available resources - be sure to attend as many networking sessions and connect with industry professionals!

7. Attend alumni reunions and meetings

NMIMS allows online students to attend alumni reunions and meet-ups even when not studying there - providing an ideal way for professional networking sessions in an informal yet social atmosphere. Alumni reunions provide great networking opportunities with people who understand what an advantage the NMIMS Network represents for you!

8. Networking opportunities & mentorship programs

NMIMS offers networking opportunities and mentorship programs designed to connect students with professionals experienced in their fields and offer guidance, advice on careers and introductions to industry professionals. A lasting friendship may develop between a mentor and their mentee that continues to help further your professional goals with networking sessions.

9. Online workshops and networking opportunities

NMIMS offers online networking opportunities and networking sessions. Not only will these be educational, but you may meet other students interested in related subjects as well. Perhaps one day these will lead to joint projects which enhance both your abilities and professional network.

10. Join LinkedIn for various activities

Join LinkedIn groups, write articles, share relevant content and comment on posts for networking opportunities as this will allow you to build up your professional identity while showing your expertise in your chosen field for networking sessions. Your network can keep tabs on you by following updates; as an added benefit LinkedIn could present new networking opportunities and attend more networking sessions!

11. Participate in Alumni Webinars & Guest Speaker Events

Stay alert for alumni webinars or talks as a great networking opportunity for alumni networking sessions that want to assist students. Asking insightful questions or participating actively during these sessions will make an impressionable statement and open new communication channels.

12. Collaborative Research Projects

NMIMS provides networking opportunities for those interested in research either within academia or industry to participate under faculty supervision in projects designed for both. Participation also serves as an excellent networking opportunity, since many projects include collaborations among industry partners, institutions and researchers - not to mention being great additions to your resume!


NMIMS offers online MBA students many networking opportunities that will ensure success when networking online. To be effective with networking sessions online, however, students must remain active by making use of all resources that are available and staying engaged - join clubs, initiate coffee talks or watch alumni webcasts; all are excellent ways to expand your networking sessions while building professional ties that support both their academic objectives and future career ambitions.

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